Retainer Agreement
Before we can commence acting for you, you need to agree to the terms of our engagement, including costs. Our terms and conditions are contained in our standard retainer agreement. Please click the link to call up and read the Retainer Agreement.
To record your agreement with our Retainer Agreement, please print it out, date it, sign it and forward it to us (by post or e-mail). However, please note that even if you do not return a signed retainer agreement, we will only act for you on the terms of the retainer agreement.
If you have queries in relation to our standard Retainer Agreement or believe that certain provisions do not suit your case, please feel free to contact us so that we can discuss the matter and provide you with a more customized agreement.
Authority To Act
If your matter requires communication with parties in Europe, we also need a written authority to act on your behalf. Click the link to call up and read a simple version of such an Authority-to-Act. If your matter has any connection to Europe, please print out the form, complete and sign it and forward it to us together with the Retainer Agreement. Again, we should be pleased to customize the form to suit your particular case on request.
Advance Payment
Generally, we try to bill our clients on completion of a matter – provided we hold a signed Retainer Agreement and there is sufficient prospect of covering our costs from the proceeds in the matter.
If the matter will not generate any proceeds or the prospects of covering our costs from the proceeds are wanting, we will have to request a payment on account of initial fees and expenses.
We will always have to request an advance payment if we do not have a signed Retainer Agreement on file.
If an advance payment is required, we shall advise you of the amount together with details of our trust account into which payment must be made.